WE DID IT! Globetrotter has reached #1 Amazon Best Seller! And even better, it has done so 4 times in 4 different categories! The launch was a great success with thousands of people reading the book as we speak! I am truly humbled by all the amazing words of encouragement I have received from all my readers from all over the world! And want to thank everyone for taking the time to read globetrotter. I couldn’t hope for a better outcome so far and still, a lot is yet to come, with the launch of its international versions in Spanish, Portuguese and Russian!
To write a memoir, it takes a big effort to open up truthfully and deliver personal segments of one’s life. Trust me, It hasn’t been easy, as my objective in writing globetrotter has always been to be sincere, and detailed about sensible issues. I wanted to connect closely with the reader, to make him feel not just a spectator, but to bring him near me in a hope to gain his trust and carry him along in my adventures. This had been my first idea and I was happy that people have felt this aspect of Globetrotter in a lot of their feedback. That proves that my main objective was achieved: to influence the reader in seeing outside the box, that there really is alternative ways to live life and that it is at reach to everyone.
If you haven’t had a chance to see the launch live, it is available here with all the details how to find it.
#1 Amazon Best Seller
All authors would agree: reaching #1 Best Seller Status in the official paying store of amazon is one of the best rewards one can have after all the hard work put into writing a book. Literally hundreds of hours spent writing, developing, editing, proofreading, formatting, designing, and in this case, translating and repeating the same editing process 4 times in its 4 international versions. And I couldn’t expect better results from the first two weeks it has been on the market. People sending me pictures of themselves with my book in their hands has warmed my heart.
Globetrotter first reached #1 Amazon Best Seller in the paying store in its main category, Business Travel as soon as 3 days after launch. This is a pretty competitive category and was a nice surprise to achieve the landmark after only 3 days. Business Travel focuses on the Digital Nomad aspect of my travels and was important to rank well. It then reached #1 Amazon Best Seller in Budget Travel, its second most important category. Budget travel is the essence of what my travels have been as a globetrotter and is clearly emphasized throughout the book. And then, it reached #1 Amazon Best Seller in Solo Travel and lastly, in the Hospitality, Travel & Tourism category.
Reaching top 100 books in Amazon.com free store
The First 2 days of launch, Globetrotter was offered on a special promotional plan as a free download, to provide reading material and promote the book to more readers. It was an instant success, Thousands of downloads in only 2 days! It reached #1 Amazon best seller in 2 of the top 10 broad categories on amazon! It reached #1 Amazon Best Seller in Travel and #1 Amazon Best Seller in Biographies & Memoirs. This is incredible! This is the same category books like Mohamed Ali’s biography and Hilary Clintons NY Times Best Sellers are showcased! Those are the most broad categories available in these two fields, literally accounting for many of the top 100 and even top 10 books in the whole world. But this was in the “free store” and not really significant. The real results that count was in the paying store, which won #1 Amazon Best Seller in 4 categories.
This post has been written about 2 weeks after launch, so it is early to say how the success of Globetrotter will play out. We will see with time, and with the launch of its international versions coming soon. But already it is looking good, as the french version, “Le Globe-trotteur”, has already achieved #1 Best Bestseller in Business Travel and other categories in its most important market, on Amazon.fr. The Spanish version is coming out soon, I can’t wait to see how it goes! Stay tuned!
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