Elected 2nd most traveled Quebecer, following an Article in Montreal Newspaper La Presse… Original French Article: http://www.lapresse.ca/…/01-4748988-les-grands-voyageurs-ia… For English Speakers, here is the google translated link: http://translate.google.com/translate…
Read More...Author Archive: The Digital Globetrotter
Crossed African Continent, Once Again. Now in South Africa
I Made it!!! I’m done travelling for now and I’m now back to “Normal Life”! After 17 countries conquered in Africa over the last 3 months, I am now happy to settle down and Get some Work done in nowhere else than Cape Town, South Africa, one of the most beautiful Cities on this planet. And for the occasion, I got myself a nice apartment straight in the Action of Green Point, two steps away from the Atlantic Ocean for those HOT summer days!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!
Read More...Visiting Windhoek, Namibia in Southern Africa
Just arrived in the last of the 17 countries visited on this 3 months african adventure, in namibia in south western africa