Visiting Algiers, my New Winner for Most Beautiful City in Africa

Sorry, Cape Town… You’ve been beaten from your prestigious title of most beautiful city in Africa! Algiers, the capital of Algeria now has the throne. After three days in the “Paris of Africa”, I’m blown away by the beauty of this city! Anybody who has seen the masterpiece of what Paris is all about will fall in love with Algiers, as it is somewhat very similar, with a mixture of French, Arabic and Ottoman influences. And yet we don’t hear a lot about it worldwide… Probably for the very low tourism industry here in Algeria. The beauty of this city came from the fact that the French had a special love for Algeria,  considering it part of France contrary to Morocco or Tunisia which were only colonies. Hence, it enjoyed much more investment in construction and the Paris style of buildings is omnipresent all over the “ville nouvelle”. Also called “Alger la Blanche” (Algiers the White), Algiers streets really feel like walking down the grand boulevards […]


Crossing Panama from East to West: The New King of Central America

So I enjoyed being this summer in North America to spend some more time in Panama, one of my favorite countries in Latin America and where I spend more and more time these days. This time I teamed up with a good friend of mine Daniel to travel from Panama City all the way to the Western Volcano of Baru in the Chiriqui State. Panamá has evolved a lot since I first came here 11 years ago. At the time, most tourists were only talking about Costa Rica and Panama was hardly named even after Guatemala. With rapid expansion as a hub, impressive growth, and very welcoming laws for expats, the country is seen by many as the top interest in Central America and have been one of the main retirement hideouts for expats worldwide. Panama City which was not so long ago a fishing village with dangerous neighborhoods has transformed into a massive metropolis with it’s skyscrapers all over the coast, the “Dubai of […]


Visiting Algeria – My Country #174/195

Just arrived in my 174th country worldwide, and 35th in Africa. I’ve waited a long time to come to this country because of the love I have for Morroco, which I expected many similarities. Expectations were met at arrival, but still many differences are obvious. It is definitely not as opened as Morocco and tourism seem reserved for Algerian expats. That said, it seems very welcoming thought! The city of Oran so far is really well developed, having a nice French Riviera style boardwalk, as well as a very modern tramway. My plan was to arrive in Oran, in the West of the country, considered the most lively city in North Africa, and to fly out from Constantine, in the other extremity on the East side of Algeria. This way I will cross the country, staying around the Mediterranean Coast and focus on the most populated areas. I would have loved to go down in the desert which is praised as one of the most […]


What to do when you Airplane gets Diverted by an Agressive Guy! Unexpected Visit to Bermuda…

So I was on my way back to Europe and when boarding my plane, this little French guy was sitting in my seat… I kindly tell him that he must be in the wrong seat and he aggressively answers that he switched with another woman and decided to sit in another one… Seeing his aggressiveness, my nice tone switched to a more decisive one, that he should go to his seat or the lady’s seat he agreed to change with and to let me sit in mine designated one. Grumpy he goes.   Until then, everything was doing fine, until we are in the middle of the Atlantic and we start hearing Mr. French screaming at the crew. Apparently from what we understood, Mr. French wanted some more booze and they refused to serve him because he was getting a little drunk. Mr. French didn’t like that and with his previously seen aggressiveness, started getting in a physical interaction with them. They quickly fight back […]


Why Argentina Tops My List as One of the Best Country for Digital Nomads

Argentina always ranks amongst the best Countries in most of my Countries World Maps Comparisons, and for a reason! It is a wonderful country both in terms of beauty and culture which distinguishes itself from other American countries by providing unique assets. Its culture is definitely a highlight. Argentina’s European feel makes it one of the most European city in the Americas, feeling more like walking in an Italian city than anything else. Its traditions also shine in its music, Milongas, and Tangos being the most obvious. One of my favorite past time when I go to Buenos Aires to find some local restaurant which showcases a tango show. Not the touristy ones, but the more local ones which are only musical, where you will get 2 to 3 musicians playing whatever song may be requested by the crowd. A great way to enjoy a good Argentinian meal with wine! I have lived in Buenos Aires for 4 months in 2016 and since then, I […]


4000 km Road Trip Around Eastern Canada

A common thing amongst Globetrotters is to prioritize worldwide travel before discovering their own country. I was one of those until 2009 where I decided to take advantage of a Greyhound deal that proposed 1 week “all you can drive” pass for about 150 CA$. So I left to cross the 6000km from Montreal to Vancouver, stopping in route to several cities of all those provinces in between. Great trip, not the most comfortable, but definitely interesting! Back in Canada this summer for the first time since 2014, I decided to rent a car for the 3 weeks I had over there and do a nice little road trip that would bring me to some of the best destinations in eastern Canada and the Maritimes, in a little more than 4000km. Itinerary on my Eastern Canada Road Trip in 3 weeks As seen on the map, I left Montreal and set base in Quebec city for a week to see friends and family. I then […]


Quebec City, One of the Most Photogenic City in North America

Many will say I might be biased to make this statement as I was born in Quebec City, and it does sound like a justified comment. But anyone who has visited the beautiful old town of Quebec City will testify of the beauty of its “New France” architecture and the European feel that its Fortified walls and narrow streets give. It has been 3 years that I haven’t been to my home Country while circling the worlds most beautiful cities, and every time I come back to Quebec I am always blown away by its beauty. Even though I have studied for years in the Old Quebec at high school at the Petit Seminaire de Quebec, the oldest French speaking seminary in the Americas, whenever I am back in the city, I try to put myself in the skin of a tourist and visit some corners of my beloved city as if I was a First comer or a tourist. This year, as it is the 150th […]


The 5 Languages I Needed to Travel 90% of the World

The Single most powerful tool you have as a traveler is the power to communicate in different languages with the local population. This is what will make the difference in your experience in that country you’re visiting abroad.Yet many people are scared of going to countries that don’t speak their native one and will exclude them entirely from the choice range. When you leave home to this new holiday adventure, would you rather be a simple observer or a full-blown participant? Well, the answer was pretty clear for me when I started traveling, and this is one of the reasons why I am still on the road after more than 10 years, keeping things interesting! I am now learning my 7th language and still have plans to learn more. See it like this: Not knowing English nowadays is like not being able to read 30 years ago. Let me tell you that with the world’s borders getting smaller and communication between nations easing up, not […]


My Colombia Top 5 Lists for Best Activities, Food, Things to do, People, Cities

Very few countries around the world are as rich as Colombia in terms of activities and culture. In South America, I believe it is one of the most complete of any country and definitely ranks top 2 with Brazil in my book. It is a pretty large country too and with so much to do and places to go, I have prepared a list of my ”top 5 everything” for Colombia so you can prepare your itinerary, in consequence, depending on the amount of time you plan to stay in the country. Whatever happens, make sure to plan a lot of time because transport is always slower in Latin America, especially in Colombia as it is very mountainous and that alone slows down transit times! Top 5 Favorite Cities Medellin Cartagena Cali Guatape Santa Marta Top 5 Best Nature Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona Cali Mountains Guatape San Andres Bogota Top 5 Parties and events Mundial de Salsa in Cali Carnival de Baranquilla Feria de las flores, […]


Top 3 Best Colombia Itineraries You Must Do On Your Next Trip

With around 5 visits to the country, Colombia has quickly climbed the ranks of my top 5 favorite countries in the world. I love Latin culture myself and the authenticity of the Colombian culture is always amazing to me, it is very easy for me to feel at home there. I have favorite destinations, mostly in the mountainous area around Medellin, but I also love Colombia’s beach area around Santa Martha and the beautiful Cartagena is always a joy to visit! Since I always get many questions on Colombia, I have prepared my top 3 itineraries for you to better prepare your next trip! 1: The Layover: Bogota and Around For a quick stay or for people on short transits, it is common to arrive in Bogota and stay only in the capital for a couple days. It is actually a nice city, I’ve stayed here on a 4 days layover to catch my Brazilian visa back in 2005. The city is quite high in […]